Monday, July 11, 2011

Grand Opening Giveaway!

What better way to celebrate the launch of our new blog than with a giveaway? This isn't just any small giveaway either, we're talking 1-0-0 dollars to use as you please at We appreciate our customers and want you to know it!


Here's the twist. For every 300 entries we receive, we'll add on another $100 gift certificate to allow for multiple winners!* How cool is that?

*Giveaway is open for Entry 7/11-7/16 12am EST*
Winner(s) will be chosen by Random.Org & will be announced here on the blog on Monday, July 18th. 


How to Enter

Mandatory Entry: Be a "Follower" of this blog, by clicking 'follow' on the widget to the right and comment in the comments section of THIS POST telling us you are a follower! 

Two Extra Entry Chances:

1. "Like" TheFireStore Facebook Fan Page & mention in a separate comment on THIS POST!

2. Follow us on Twitter (@thefirestore) & mention in a separate comment on THIS POST!

(This means you have up to THREE chances to enter!)

Each entry must be submitted in the comments section of this blog post to be counted, and not via Facebook or Twitter.

Thank you and good luck!

*maximum (5) $100 gift certificates
*Disclaimer: This giveaway is not endorsed nor promoted by Facebook.

[Winners announced on Monday!]


1 – 200 of 295   Newer›   Newest»
mchunter said...


Joe Doran said...

I am following your blog, been a satisfied customer for several years now also!

Jordan said...


Roy said...

Following the blog...

Roy said...

Liked the FB page a long time ago so that's done...

Roy said...

And lastly - following you on Twitter - 3 of 3 - show me the $$$ :)

Jmiller said...


Cameron said...


OklaEMT said...

Following the blog.

OklaEMT said...

Also 'liked' on FB a while ago, no twitter account so best I can do is 2 of 3.

ProudlyArmed said...

Im following! Have been following you on FB for quite sometime.

rokka77 said...

so i follow you here, on facebook and twitter

ff926 said...

Im a follower on here and on Facebook

rokka77 said...

its a cool idea with this blog !!!

Joe Doran said...

Like you on Facebook already

Joe Doran said...

Just followed you on twitter

Eric said...

Following your blog...

Eric said...

Liking you on facebook

Eric said...

Twitter follower now too...

rokka77 said...

I Following Your Blog

rokka77 said...

I following You on Twitter

rokka77 said...

i following you on facebook

TRITWP31 said...


TRITWP31 said...

Follow you guys on facebook.

TRITWP31 said...

I follow you guys on twitter.

TRITWP31 said...

Plus i follow the blog.

TRITWP31 said...

Show big daddy the money.

Brent said...

I am following!

Cameron said...

Following on facebook

Cameron said...

Following on Twitter !

Brent said...

I liked The Fire Store Facebook page too.

Brent said...

I follow @thefirestore too!

shlep89 said...

This contest sounds interesting. Thanks for the equipment we have bought in past guys!

Nolafire said...

I am following the blog, and looking forward to great things.

Nolafire said...

I'm a facebook fan! Hmmm what to spend my hundred dollars on...

ArizonaMedic said...

I'm in! I'm following you guys!

Lt. Lemon said...

I'm following you!

Lt. Lemon said...

I've also been a FB fan for awhile!

Pete said...


Pete said...

Also a longtime FB "liker"!

Pete said...

...and now I'm a Twitter follower!

C. Barnes said...


Tim Percoski said...

Following the blog via e mail!

Tim Percoski said...

I'm also following on facebook!

C. Barnes said...

Liked fb awhile ago

Tim Percoski said...

Following @thefirestore on twitter, too!

Seth Saulnier said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Following on here and Facebook!

Anonymous said...

I am following the blog, love the website!

r trebley said...

Love the fire store!!

Anonymous said...

Liked the page on Facebook a long time ago! I love! Its a fantastic website guys, thank you!

Seth Saulnier said...

Following Blog...

Seth Saulnier said...

Following Twitter @SethSaulnier

Seth Saulnier said...

Liked FB page a while ago. Love your site, waiting for the EMS Store to open!

Kirk said...


Unknown said...

I buy all my fire gear from the fire store. I am following on the blog and facebook.

Jason Tumbleson said...

Following all three sites

Scott said...

Following the Blog!

Scott said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Scott said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Scott said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
NATE said...

I'm following the blog

Scott said...

Fan on Facebook!

Scott said...

Following on Twitter!

Anonymous said...


tim said...

I am fallowing The Fire Store on Twitter!

tim said...

I am also fallowing/like The Fire Store on Face Book!

BKnight75 said...

I am following this blog and look forward to the future post.

bigmark92 said...


Barry Bachenheimer said...

Following- thanks!

darwinff said...

Been a FB follower now being a blog follower ! ! !

Austin said...

I am following

jake said...


ptownff said...

Following and also liked on fbook

Medic35 said...

I am following this blog. You generally have reasonable prices on your products. Thanks.

Steve said...

Following on facebook already, sent a tweet. not sure it worked right and now joined the blog to post.
Not really vary good at this blogging stuff.
Hope I meet requirements for all 3 entries.

Anonymous said...

I am following this blog! You guys make awesome christmas gift for my fiance who is a career fireman. Plus he orders a lot from you guys because he like the quality of your items and the prices! Thanks for everything!

daulton said...

Have nothing but good things to say about the fire store

trent8651 said...

I am following this blog. The Fire Store is the best, and one of my favorite websites.

B-Ryan Jenik said...

Fan on FB and Twitter...

Steve said...

follwing the blog

Steve said...

follwing on facebook

That0neGuy124 said...

heck i'll enter! :D

D-man 28 said...

Awesome store and I fallow the store on facebook!!!! No. 1 in my book

Taco the Towners said...

Yay! I'd love to enter!

Ace said...

I'm following and I'd love to win!!

Raymond said...

Following you from Bethlehem PA!

AJ said...

this is awesome!

Monty8279 said...

Very glad you started this blog!

P.s. I am entering! I could use some new tools for my gear!

Mark L said...

Entering the contest...I hope I win!

Mark L said...

I have like the facebook page a long time ago...=]

Steve said...

Follow on facebook

Steve said...

Follow on twitter

Steve said...

I follow the blog

Steve said...

I follow on you tube

jrsyff said... is the only people I buy anything fire related from....great products and the are shipped quickly and without hassle. i will never use another store ever again! they have all you need.

tyty said...

Following on FB, Twitter and following the blog!

Bear said...

following the blog

bwill13 said...

Following on the blog....

FernandoVal222 said...

Following the blog, also on FB and google+

bwill13 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
bwill13 said...

Now I'm also following you on Twitter...

FernandoVal222 said...

Following the blog, also on FB and google+

bwill13 said...

And I've liked the Facebook page for months! =o)

ffsauer said...

Following! Looking to make a purchase soon!

polarbearems said...

I'm following, and is awesome!

polarbearems said...

I'm following on Facebook too!

tim bh 28 said...

I've been follower on fb for a while now a follower of this blog

KeukaDan said...

Following the blog

KeukaDan said...

Liked the Facebook page

KeukaDan said...

Following on Twitter

fire2553 said...

I love the fire store and a follower on twitter and facebook! Keep up the good work!

Richard said...

I liked yall on FB a long time ago. But here is another post.

Richard said...

Lastly I started a Twitter account just for this. I've held off quite a while on that.

Richard said...

It seems to have missed my first entry so here it is again.

Sea Dog Inc. said...

entering for the contest!

Sea Dog Inc. said...

liked the firestore fan page

John said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
wishEMT said...

nice to see you jump into all forms of social media, all you need now is google+, im a definite follower

Taco the Towners said...

Im entering on twitter (as dispatch_update) and Facebook (as Simon Williams)

Thanks guys!

A.C.79 said...

Following on Facebook and the blog.

Jason said...

i am a follower and really enjoy your web page and your store. i have gotten somethings from there and have really enjoyed it thanks to all the firefighters.

Will said...

Following your new blog. Keep up the good work

Will said...

Still Following your Facebook, Again Keep up the good work!

RyanK63 said...

Glad to see this happening. Just letting you know I'm following the new blog. Also been a Facebook fan for quite some time now.

zackaryhake said...

Already a FB fan, now I'm a blog follower too. If this keeps up I'll have to create a twitter account also. Starting to dig technology.

RealRIT said...

im following your blog

Nick said...

Following your blog

Nick said...

Liked you on Facebook as well.

John said...

I'm a fan on Facebook

John said...

I'm following on twitter

John said...

I'm following the blog

John said...

I have been a satisfied customer for several years now also! So I gust wanted to say keep up the good work and I look forward to purching more stuf from you in the futcher.

Barry Johnson said...

Thanks for the Giveaway!
It was great to see you guys at the Maryland Convention in OC last month!


Barry Johnson
Maryland State Firemen's Association

pauly p said...

entering love the fire store

pauly p said...

posting second entry for liking the fan page

Rik said...

I am following the blog.

Rik said...

I already Like The Fire Store on Facebook.

cspearling said...

Following the blog

cspearling said...

I'm an on scene follower on facebook as well

cspearling said...

following on scene

cspearling said...

Fan of The Fire Store on Facebook too.

Ben said...

Im Following

Chief72 said...

I am a follower!!

PFD341 said...

usually a leader... this time definitely a follower!

PFD341 said...

"Liked" TheFireStore Facebook Fan Page

PFD341 said...

Following on Twitter (@thefirestore)

SunnyGurl said...

Becoming a follower!

casseiopia said...

Yup I'm following too!

casseiopia said...

Liked you on facebook as well!!

djarrett said...

Defiantly entering!!

fire_gal1972 said...

I am a follower and I have been a SATISFIED customer for awhile! :)

trafficman said...

Im a follower

trafficman said...

Im a follower on twitter

fire_gal1972 said...

I have been a fan of The Fire Store Facebook page for quite awhile now! Thanks for your products and services... :)

Bryon3642 said...

YAY!!!!!! Im a Follower of this blog

Matthew Kidd said...

I am a follower and shopper. Great service and selection.

AJ Cunder said...

Entering for the $100

AJ Cunder said...

Also a facebook fan

bos03 said...

Facebook fan here

rangerbob99 said...

Now following.

rangerbob99 said...

Also Like the Facebook page.

Amy said...

I'm a follower and a facebook fan!

Eric Picone said...

Following the Blog

cupcake said...

I am a follower ..

Eric Picone said...

Following on Twitter

Eric Picone said...

Liked on Facebook

J_Lo said...

i am a follower!!!

J_Lo said...

i follow on facebook

J_Lo said...

i follow on twitter

Blunt said...

Liked you on facebook!

Blunt said...

I'm a Follower!

BSchroeder620 said...

Entered and following on twitter

Anonymous said...

Liked on Facebook.

emtjaykeys said...

following with google

tmills said...

$100 will not even come close to scratching the surface of my shopping list!

Anonymous said...

i am following ur blog!!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm following

Jason said...

Thanks so much for your product and fire gear. Your equipment is great. thanks

dbledsoe7 said...

Followed blog. Thanks!

dbledsoe7 said...

Also "liked" on Facebook... Thanks again!

Buck said...

Another great blog added to my list.....

Rick said...

Following the blog

Jmlars said...

Following !!!

Jon said...

Twitter follower

Jon said...

Blog follower

Jon said...

And I already follow on Facebook!

Brandon said...


FyrSensei said...

I'm following!

Lysy said...

Oh, I'm following!!

Chuck said...

I am following you on Twitter

Chuck said...

I "like" TheFireStore Facebook Fan Page

Chuck said...

I am a follower of your blog

Kyle said...

i follow here

Kyle said...

also follow on facebook

Kyle said...

also on twitter

David Molnar said...

I am now following On Scene blog

mikeyj said...

Entered! Can't wait to see what's next in the blog.

es said...


Donny Hallmark said...


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