-Our blog, On Scene with TheFireStore & The FireGeezer Blog are working together doing a review program of products we think you'll benefit from hearing an inside perspective on. -
Recently the Stafford County (Virginia) Fire & Rescue Service tested three of the FoxFire Illumination products that were provided for us by TheFireStore and relayed their experience with them. Deputy Chief Steve Weissman along with Training Coordinator Lieutenant Matthew Warren tried applying and using them with a current recruit school that is in progress. They sampled, used and abused three products, the Illuminating All-In-One Coating Kit, the Illuminating Grip Wrap, and the Illuminating Green Helmet Band.

We have had the privilege of demonstrating the Foxfire Illumination line of products during our Recruit Academy 6 live fire burns. We were able to apply the product to our tools and use them during live fire evolutions. We applied the product to a six foot hook, two sets of irons, and a short-handle sledge hammer.
The application of the Foxfire All-In-One Coating Kit took a total of 24 hours. Thirty minutes were spent applying the coating with the remainder as the drying period. The process was clean and easy, and the instructions were easily navigable.
We used the tools during six live fire evolutions. We observed the tools before, during, and after each evolution. Some equipment was intentionally placed in a superheated environment and exposed for long periods. All of the Foxfire Illuminating products performed well. The product held the illuminating charge throughout the exercise. We were able to photograph each tool, showing the illumination effects. We also used the tools during non-fire training exercises on multiple days.
The Foxfire products were easily recognized in smoky environments and performed well.
We initially deployed these tools at the Hanover County Fire and Rescue Training Academy. We completed six live fire evolutions with the tools advanced in each. The following week we trained in an acquired structure under manufactured smoke conditions with much the same results and continuing to abuse these tools. We burned the structure on Friday with the tools performing as predicted.
From an instructors standpoint, I was pleased to be able to track our recruits as they performed searches, advanced hoselines, and ventilated rooms. The All-In-One coating held up well on most tools. The coating did appear to adhere better to non-metalic handles.
Next week we'll review the Illuminating Grip Wrap.
For more information on the All-In-One Kit along with an instructional video and to order one from TheFireStore for your department.
To read the review at FireGeezer click here.
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